Building and cultivating a media distribution list

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Creating a media distribution list

It is often difficult for companies and organizations to attract the attention of the media to their products, services or other news. One way to ensure that the media notices your news stories is to send a media release to the organisations on your media distribution list. But what exactly is a media distribution list, why do you need one and how do you create one?

A man standing in front of a digital screen.

What is a media distribution list?

This is the central instrument in media and public affairs work. A media distribution list is a list of the media contacts companies and organisations use to disseminate their news to the public. It contains contact details such as names, email addresses, phone numbers and media titles of journalists, editors and other media representatives.

A woman pointing at a large laptop

Why do you need a media distribution list?

Media and public affairs work thrives on contacts with media representatives. A well-maintained media distribution list lays the foundation for good relations with your most significant key media. It lets you send your news specifically to the contacts also interested in your media releases. This way you always reach the right people.

A man who thinks while looking up.

How should you create a media distribution list?

Target from which a piece is cut out.

Define your target group

First, you should define your target group and research which media report on your sector. The more precise you make it, the better it is. You should make sure your key media get real value from your message. Then the response and encouragement from journalists will be higher.

ID card with picture and data

Researching the right journalists

The next step is to research which editorial offices and journalists handle your topic. This can be done with the aid of a professional directory, which renteria from news aktuell can provide. You can also use social networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter and sector directories for your research. When you do your research, always think about local and regional media as well.

Folder with papers and data

Your distribution list’s structure and content

Your media distribution list should be neat, well-structured and contain at least the following information: media title and type (e.g. newspaper, radio, trade journal or television) and your contact’s full name, title, position, department and email address.

Tips for building up a media distribution list

  • Define your key media and contacts, prioritising them by how significant they are to your PR work. Create a history for each contact and note when and on what occasion you addressed them. Make sure they give you permission to add them to your media distribution list (keyword: GDPR).
  • Get to know what your contacts want. Some would like to receive your media releases at their personal e-mail addresses, others may have a different internal organisation and would prefer to have your material sent to a general e-mail address. Simply comply with what they wish.
  • Don’t forget freelance journalists. They should also be on just about every thoughtfully researched media distribution list. It also makes sense because freelancers usually tend to be quite receptive to suggestions for topics. Furthermore, many media companies work with freelance journalists, who frequently have a lot of expert knowledge.
  • Create a history for each contact. This lets you read about whom you spoke with, which topics were discussed and when, previous meetings and which of key media have already published your stories, at any time, so, you can build a good relationship with your contacts.
  • Before you send out a media release, review carefully whether all of your distribution contracts are really interested in the topic. When in doubt, delete the contact from the distribution list. Last, but not least, always offer your contacts an opt-out.
A woman who shows that everything is okay.

How can news aktuell help you build and maintain media distribution lists?

Permanently maintaining a media distribution list costs a lot of time. Since contacts at editorial offices frequently change, a media distribution list up-to-date today can very well be out-of-date tomorrow. This is where a professional directory comes in handy and news aktuell’s media database, underlain by its PR software renteria, provides support to all communication professionals as they build up a targeted media distribution list. Advantages:

A man holding a letter with papers in his hand.

Targeted research, straightforward administration and fast dispatch

renteria’s media database has a diverse range of search options. With just a few clicks, you can find key media contacts for your story and compile a media distribution list quickly and easily.

Professionally manage your press distribution list with up-to-date, authorised data

renteria’s research team regularly checks contacts in the database, relieving you of any distribution list maintenance. This means all data is up-to-date and authorised by the media themselves.

How can news aktuell help you send media material?

Folder with ones and zeros

renteria – international, national, regional

In renteria’s media database you can find over   records of contacts, including the media and topics they cover. Use the integrated mailing tool to conveniently email your media material to your contacts. renteria lets you reach PR managers, podcasters, influencers, bloggers and media professionals. All contacts entered in renteria are regularly verified by its research team and approved by the media. renteria also enables you to use the wide-reaching Presseportal to file your media material (texts, images and anything else) in your own newsroom.

Letter in front of a network

ots – German-speaking Europe and internationally

This means: international communication. Communicating in German-speaking countries, in Europe, or around the world can be complex and harbours many pitfalls. There are so many countries, languages and cultures to keep in mind. Here news aktuell gives you support when you publish your press releases with its large network of media, journalists and news agencies in around   countries worldwide.

This dpa subsidiary serves all media formats such as print, television and radio, online portals and social networks. So your media releases, images, audios and videos reach the right contact people at the right time and in the right language.

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